Kelp Restoration Project to Pluck Purple Urchins from Santa Barbara Channel

SB Independent: New Pilot Project Will Sell Problematic Purples to Restaurants or Turn Them into Agricultural Products. For the two-year initiative, the CFSB is also partnering with The Nature Conservancy California, UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), and The Bay Foundation, and efforts will be funded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt.  

Improving the Boat Sewage Disposal Network

Dockside Podcast: In this episode, we will be joined by Claire Combredet from The Bay Foundation, John Kappeler, Senior Engineer for the City of Newport Beach in Orange County, as well as George Hylkema, who inspects and maintains Newport’s boat sewage pumpout units. We’ll be talking about the Clean Vessel Act and more broadly the… Continue reading Improving the Boat Sewage Disposal Network

City Commences Phase 2 of Beach Restoration Project

The Project Will Enlarge the Habitat for Significant Native Species, Including the Federally Threatened Western Snowy Plover Phase 2 of the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Project commenced recently, aiming to further enhance natural dune habitat on Santa Monica beach, situated just south of the Annenberg Community Beach House, a post from the City read.

Request for Proposals: Santa Monica Dune Restoration Project – Design Services

The Bay Foundation (TBF), is seeking to hire an individual or entity to provide professional services for signage design for the Santa Monica Dune Restoration Project in Santa Monica, CA. The purpose of the project is to expand on the native dune restoration pilot project in the City of Santa Monica. This project will be… Continue reading Request for Proposals: Santa Monica Dune Restoration Project – Design Services

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