From 2012-13, the Malibu Lagoon underwent a nine-month-long restoration process initiated by California State Parks. Twelve acres of wetland near the mouth of Malibu Creek were drained, wildlife was trapped and relocated, heavy equipment scooped out a thousand tons of trash and fill, channels and bridges were removed, banks were reshaped and native vegetation was… Continue reading Malibu Lagoon Analyzed Four Years After $6.6 Million Restoration
News Type: Articles
Malibu Lagoon Project Shows Signs of Success
The Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project celebrated its fourth anniversary this spring. “We’re about to start our fifth year of monitoring, and everything is going well,” Santa Monica Bay Foundation Watershed Programs Manager Melodie Grubbs told the Malibu Surfside News. Grubbs explained that the team that monitors and evaluates the physical, chemical and biological… Continue reading Malibu Lagoon Project Shows Signs of Success
Santa Monica Beach Combats Rising Sea Levels with ‘Re-Wilding’ Program
After starting its coastal “re-wilding” project last year, the city of Santa Monica and The Bay Foundation have officially completed seeding for their Wild Beach Restoration Pilot Program. The program aims to restore approximately three acres of Santa Monica Beach’s north end, returning coastal plant and wildlife to the beach that have been eliminated, and protecting the… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Combats Rising Sea Levels with ‘Re-Wilding’ Program
Santa Monica Beach Goes Wild
The Bay Foundation and the City have completed the Wild Beach Restoration Pilot Program along a section of local beach and officials hope the program will showcase environmental restoration in the area. …Dean Kubani, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Santa Monica has been excited for this pilot project since it began. “It is… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Goes Wild
Rare Snowy Plovers Return to Nest, Lay Eggs on Popular LA County Beaches
For the first time in 68 years, several pairs of an endangered shorebird have laid eggs in nests built in the sand of three heavily visited beaches in Los Angeles County. The discovery of western snowy plover nests at Santa Monica, Dockweiler and Malibu Lagoon state beaches within the last two weeks marks the first… Continue reading Rare Snowy Plovers Return to Nest, Lay Eggs on Popular LA County Beaches
Santa Monica’s New Back-to-Nature Beach Project Has Drawn the Attention of Rare Birds. But Can Beach-Goers Let Them Live in Peace?
On a popular beach that is groomed, sifted and devoid of vegetation, Santa Monica officials and a local environmental group are restoring three acres of sand to a more natural state. The city and the Bay Foundation have fenced off a swath of shoreline, planted native species and taken steps to build up the beach… Continue reading Santa Monica’s New Back-to-Nature Beach Project Has Drawn the Attention of Rare Birds. But Can Beach-Goers Let Them Live in Peace?
Rewilding Santa Monica’s Thoroughly Artificial Beach
In the early 1900s, L.A. County beaches were not yet the tourist destination they would one day become. The pier in Santa Monica was completed in 1909, but it wasn’t for another few decades that the beach itself would itself become a destination.” At that time, Miami was the place to be, and this beach… Continue reading Rewilding Santa Monica’s Thoroughly Artificial Beach
Small, Threatened Shorebird Makes Comeback
A tiny, threatened shorebird that nests on sandy beaches made a small comeback this spring. For the first time in 70 years, western snowy plovers were found nesting on Los Angeles County beaches, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported. …The original Santa Monica State Beach nest was located in a restoration area there. Starting… Continue reading Small, Threatened Shorebird Makes Comeback
‘Re-wilding’ a Santa Monica Beach to Protect Against Sea Level Rise
At the north end of Santa Monica Beach, there’s a fenced off 2-acre section that looks a bit unkempt. It’s an experiment in “re-wilding,” or restoring the beach to what it looked like before humans altered it. The pilot project, a partnership of The Bay Foundation and Santa Monica, could also help protect the city… Continue reading ‘Re-wilding’ a Santa Monica Beach to Protect Against Sea Level Rise
UCLA Students Study Acidification of Kelp in Santa Monica Bay
One month ago, Ariel Pezner spent nine hours straight aboard a research vessel in the Santa Monica Bay, circulating the waves above an underwater kelp forest. Pezner, a fourth-year environmental science student, is part of a six-person student team studying ocean acidification in a rehabilitated forest of kelp off the coast of Palos Verdes, California.… Continue reading UCLA Students Study Acidification of Kelp in Santa Monica Bay