Saving Endangered Sea Creatures

California Live’s Angela Sun dives into details about ‘The Abalone Restoration Project’ as part of The Bay Foundation’s, an L.A.-based non-profit, work to restore and recover endangered species off the Southern California Coast. Learn how abundance of overharvesting is impacting the underwater ecosystem.

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Nonprofit Helps Restore En­dan­gered Abalone Pop­u­lation

Scientists say there are fewer than 1,000 white abalone in the wild, due in part to overfishing. Watch how The Bay Foundation and several other organizations are on a mission to help bring back the abalone, which the organization says is important to bringing balance to kelp forests which are home to more than 700… Continue reading Nonprofit Helps Restore En­dan­gered Abalone Pop­u­lation

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In Depth: The history of the LAX dunes

Fox11’s Hal Eisner goes in-depth on the history and importance of the LAX Dunes and its 900+ species of animals and plants, with TBF’s Chris Enyart and LAWA reps including Nancy Price, environmental specialist from LAWA, Amanda Amaral, LAWA Environmental Supervisor, & Tina Backstrom, LAWA Sustainability Director.

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Environmentalists Look to Dunes as Oceans Rise

Across the globe, one major threat is the rising ocean. If greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed, global sea levels could rise by 1.5 feet. There has already been a significant erosion in certain areas along the California coastline. To combat some of the erosion already occurring and ideally prevent further erosion in the future, environmentalists… Continue reading Environmentalists Look to Dunes as Oceans Rise

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NFL Environmental Program Works to Mitigate Carbon Footprint of Super Bowl

Special operations military vets such as Roger Sparks came all the way from Alaska on a special mission with NFL Green to restore kelp forests that have been decimated from an overpopulated sea urchin species. …This restoration project, led by The Bay Foundation, is one way the NFL is offsetting its environmental impact with the help of underwater… Continue reading NFL Environmental Program Works to Mitigate Carbon Footprint of Super Bowl

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Coastal Stakeholders Fight Erosion in Malibu

Malibu is known for its 21 miles of scenic coast, but due to rising sea levels, the shoreline continues to diminish each year. County stakeholders like Caltrans, the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors and the Bay Foundation implemented solutions to preserve Malibu roads and beaches, each weighing the costs and benefits of their projects.

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Ebb & Flow: The Rainforest of the Sea [Video]

Interview with Tom Ford of the Bay Foundation about the magic of kelp forests, their importance in mitigating climate change, and how restoration efforts are helping to restore this ‘rainforest of the sea’ off the coast of Los Angeles.

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