The 2024 California Boater Kit Feedback Report

The California Boating Clean and Green Program (BCGP) is a statewide program whose main
objectives are to educate boaters about clean and safe boating practices and to provide
technical assistance to marinas and local governments to increase the availability of
environmental services for boaters. The program is jointly implemented by California State
Parks and the California Coastal Commission. The program was established in 1997 and it has
four components: 1) Research, 2) Networking, 3) Technical Assistance, and 4) Education and
Outreach. The program uses a multifaceted outreach approach to fulfill its objectives.

The BCGP and TBF (Partners) have been collaborating since 2001 to implement several
programs including the California Dockwalker Program. Dockwalkers are partners who inspire
and educate boaters and other recreators about safe and environmentally sound boating
practices. Dockwalkers distribute California Boater Kits (Kit/Kits), which include educational
materials and pollution prevention materials, while visiting marinas, boat launch ramps, boat
shows, and events. The Kit targets best management pollution prevention practices related to the following pollutants: oil, sewage, marine debris, household hazardous waste, and toxic wastewater. The Kit highlights
local environmental services such as sewage pumpouts, used oil and oil filter recycling
facilities, and County household hazardous waste collection centers.

In 2024, BCGP and The Bay Foundation distributed a Boater Kit Feedback Survey to gain insight on Boater Kit use and preferences of resources within the Kit. The survey findings in this report will assist in improving the Boater Kit and its content in the future and reduce or eliminate unnecessary educational materials.