The California Boating Clean and Green Program (BCGP)1 and The Bay Foundation (TBF)2
have been collaborating since 2001 to implement several programs including the California
Dockwalker Program. Dockwalkers are partners who inspire and educate boaters and other
recreators about safe and environmentally sound boating practices. Dockwalkers distribute
California Boater Kits (Kit/Kits), which include educational materials and pollution prevention
materials, while visiting marinas, boat launch ramps, boat shows, and events.
The California Boater Kit is the main outreach tool for Dockwalkers and Partners. The Kit targets
best management pollution prevention practices related to the following pollutants: oil, sewage,
marine debris, household hazardous waste, and toxic wastewater. The Kit highlights local
environmental services such as sewage pumpouts, used oil and oil filter recycling facilities, and
County household hazardous waste collection centers.
The Kit and its components are specifically designed to prompt boaters to take action and
implement at least one of the Program’s recommended best management practices. Boaters
receive a Kit after completing a brief Boater Kit Questionnaire (Questionnaire) which also
includes a pledge. This Questionnaire helps to identify gaps in environmental knowledge and
better target future education efforts. In addition, the Questionnaire helps us to identify and map
where boaters reside who have been engaged by Dockwalkers.