Technical Memorandum: Patterns of Vehicle-Based Vertebrate Mortality in the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve

Over the past decade, concerned stakeholders anecdotally noticed a high frequency of animal kills along the major roadways adjacent to the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (“BWER” or “Reserve”) (L. Fimiani, personal communication, 2011). This memorandum was developed to quantify the vertebrate mortality along Reserve-adjacent roadways. Additionally, it will provide information and data to the ongoing… Continue reading Technical Memorandum: Patterns of Vehicle-Based Vertebrate Mortality in the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve

Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013

Objective long-term data on the type, extent and location of boating and boat-based fishing directly supports the success of marine spatial planning and resource management of coastal oceans. This project was initiated to generate an objective fishery-independent dataset to define the extent of boating activities in the state waters off the coast of mainland southern… Continue reading Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013

The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Baseline Assessment Program 2010-2011 Final Report

In September 2011, the SMBRC completed the second year of baseline assessment surveys at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (BWER). The comprehensive surveys were developed in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Game and the California State Coastal Conservancy to assess the condition of the BWER and inform the state’s wetlands restoration planning.… Continue reading The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Baseline Assessment Program 2010-2011 Final Report