Can Reviving Beach Dunes Help California with Sea Level Rise

Along a postcard stretch of Southern California, beneath the geologic grandeur of Point Dume, Sara Cuadra cradled a rake and prodded what seemed like just a patch of white sand. To the untrained eye, this was just another pretty spot in Malibu — a popular site for film shoots and Instagrams, body surfing and long… Continue reading Can Reviving Beach Dunes Help California with Sea Level Rise

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Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021

The Santa Monica Bay region needs a Comprehensive Monitoring Program (CMP) to inform the community and interested stakeholders on the status and trends of the condition of key habitats. The purpose of the CMP is to provide a framework to use monitoring data to inform managers, practitioners, and the public on conditions and trends that… Continue reading Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021

LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

Launched in the fall of 2017, the Loyola Marymount University Coastal Research Institute (CRI) is making inroads into understanding how climate change is impacting the Santa Monica Bay and local coastal waters. CRI is a collaboration between LMU Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering and The Bay Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 1990… Continue reading LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

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Technical Memorandum: Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Vegetation Alliance and Habitat Crosswalk

This document serves as a reference for a vegetation alliance and association to habitat crosswalk at an impacted and degraded salt marsh system in Los Angeles County. Surveys were conducted at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (BWER) by The Bay Foundation (I. Medel and team) from May – October 2013 in accordance with methods created… Continue reading Technical Memorandum: Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Vegetation Alliance and Habitat Crosswalk

Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project

The purpose of the Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project is to create an innovative multi-habitat living shoreline at Dockweiler State Beach. The project aims to restore approximately four acres of sandy beach and coastal bluff habitat and implement a pilot restoration to establish adjacent offshore eelgrass within a one-acre footprint. This project will establish a… Continue reading Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project