Directly beneath the LAX flight path lies Southern California’s largest contiguous coastal dune ecosystem, the greatest threat to which is not plastic or Styrofoam litter but invasive, non-native species muscling out native flora supporting threatened animal species. About two-thirds of the LAX Dunes between Pershing Drive and Vista Del Mar is set aside as a… Continue reading S.O.S. (Save our Sea): Coastal Cleanup Day – LAX Dunes: Fighting Plant Pollution
Topic: Invasive Plants
The Bay Foundation’s 13th Coastal Cleanup Day Event (Sept. 16) Will Clear Invasive Species, aka ‘Trash’ of the Plant World Two Volunteer Events Bookend ‘National Estuaries Week’
On Saturday, September 16, from 9:00am-12:00pm, The Bay Foundation (TBF) will host its 13th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) event. TBF is returning to the LAX Dunes, the area between LAX and El Segundo beaches, to remove invasive species of plants. These invasive species trash the environment by displacing healthy and native species of plants.… Continue reading The Bay Foundation’s 13th Coastal Cleanup Day Event (Sept. 16) Will Clear Invasive Species, aka ‘Trash’ of the Plant World Two Volunteer Events Bookend ‘National Estuaries Week’
Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project Comprehensive Monitoring Report (Year 4)
The Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project was complete on 31 March 2013. An evaluation of post-restoration conditions, through detailed physical, chemical, and biological monitoring components have resulted in several overarching trends. Find our more in this comprehensive report.
A Growing Concern: Ballona Land Trust Tangles with The Bay Foundation Over Invasive Plant Removal
A long-running feud over how to eradicate invasive plant species from the Ballona Wetlands went before the California Coastal Commission this month, with the nonprofit Bay Foundation ultimately prevailing in its request to pull weeds from targeted restoration areas on a year-round schedule. The Bay Foundation and volunteers with the nonprofit Friends of Ballona Wetlands removed 15… Continue reading A Growing Concern: Ballona Land Trust Tangles with The Bay Foundation Over Invasive Plant Removal
The Bay Foundation Offers Volunteers, Donors Variety of Events in Honor of Earth Month
The Bay Foundation (TBF) offers plenty of opportunity this Earth Month to support and learn about our projects that need volunteers all year long. The month features our regular restoration and monitoring volunteer events, as well as other outings to support TBF! We encourage everyone to head outdoors and help learn about and take care… Continue reading The Bay Foundation Offers Volunteers, Donors Variety of Events in Honor of Earth Month
Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project Final Report
The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Friends of Ballona Wetlands (FBW), Loyola Marymount University, and community volunteers are conducting a project to remove invasive vegetation while broadening public involvement and stewardship at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (Reserve). This report serves as the final product for the… Continue reading Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project Final Report
Los Angeles/El Segundo Dunes Habitat Restoration Plan
Los Angeles/El Segundo Dunes Habitat Restoration Plan prepared for the U.S Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Invasives at The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
Below you will find a graphic showing the current state of the native and non-native plants found in the Reserve. If no changes are made towards restoration and existing management policies remain the same, the system will continue to degrade.
Coastal Dune Community Stewardship Project Year 1 Report: SCC 15-110 Explore the Coast Grant
This report provides a status update for activities that occurred during Year 1 (21 June 2016 to 30 June 2017) as part of the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Grant #15-110: Coastal Dune Community Stewardship Project. Over the course of Year 1, 585 volunteers, over half of whom were students, participated in 13 educational restoration… Continue reading Coastal Dune Community Stewardship Project Year 1 Report: SCC 15-110 Explore the Coast Grant
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the SMBNEP Bay Restoration Plan – September 2016
In 2016, The Bay Foundation (TBF), with support from the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (SMBRC), was awarded an EPA grant to conduct a broad, risk-based, Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) of the objectives in the Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program (SMBNEP’s) Bay Restoration Plan (BRP). The CCVA identifies risks associated with individual objectives… Continue reading Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the SMBNEP Bay Restoration Plan – September 2016