Senior Editor Sami Leung sat down with Tom Ford, Co-Director of the Coast Research Institute, Executive Director of the Bay Foundation and a part-time faculty member teaching environmental science.
Topic: Kelp
Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program’s Action Plan for the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan – October 2018
This Action Plan is one component of the Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program’s (SMBNEPs) Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), with the goal of providing a long-term framework for action in the Santa Monica Bay and its watersheds. Prepared by TBF and SMBRC staff for approval by SMBNEP’s Management Conference.
Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria: Interview with TBF’s Heather Burdick
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, science journalist Cara Santa Maria is joined in studio by Heather Burdick, the Director of Marine Operations for The Bay Foundation. They talk about Heather’s Marine Program work on various projects involving research, monitoring, and ecological restoration throughout Santa Monica Bay. They specifically discuss the Palos Verdes Kelp Restoration… Continue reading Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria: Interview with TBF’s Heather Burdick
Image of the Day: Ab Lab
Disease and overharvesting have depleted the types and quantities of abalones (Haliotis rufescens) found in Santa Monica Bay. The Bay Foundation has been trying to replace the marine snails to their natural habitats since 2010. Most recently, the organization has been spawning abalones in a research laboratory with plans to reintroduce them into the kelp… Continue reading Image of the Day: Ab Lab
State Coastal Conservancy Final Report: Southern California Kelp Forest Hydrodynamics Study
Final project deliverables and findings for the Southern California Kelp Forest Hydrodynamics Study.
“Floating Forests”: Sentinels of Biodiversity (in French)
“The Amazon without trees would not be the Amazon. California without its kelp forests is no longer California.” Tom Ford, director of the Bay Foundation in Los Angeles, is not alone in spinning the Amazonian metaphor at the mention of giant kelp forests. All specialists of this wonderful brown alga dare to compare with the… Continue reading “Floating Forests”: Sentinels of Biodiversity (in French)
Scientist Reveals Why Great White Sharks Are Targeting California’s Shallow Waters
On Memorial Day weekend in 2016, a triathlete set out on a mile-and-a-half swim that would take her from the entrance of Newport Harbor along a buoy line, an area often used by bathers. But before she could finish, she was attacked by a great white shark; the bite wounds, stretching from her shoulder to… Continue reading Scientist Reveals Why Great White Sharks Are Targeting California’s Shallow Waters
A Boon for Santa Monica Bay: Coastal Research Institute will be a force multiplier for ecological restoration efforts
Loyola Marymount University and the environmental restoration nonprofit The Bay Foundation have jointly formed the Coastal Research Institute, a collaboration that will bring science and engineering students out of the classroom to help solve local coastal resource management problems… (Article on page 6)
Kelp Forest Restoration Annual Report July 2017 – June 2018 (Year 5) – Appendices
Appendices to Year 5 Annual Report including project maps, photos and additional data.
Kelp Forest Restoration Annual Report July 2017 – June 2018 (Year 5)
Kelp forest ecosystems are iconic and productive features along the coast of California with services that span a wide array of consumptive (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing) and non-consumptive (e.g., tourism, scuba diving and coastal protection) uses. This publication provides an update on the Palos Verdes Kelp Forest Restoration Project