This detailed report outlines fish beach seine protocols and evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Topic: Wetlands
Standard Operating Procedures (3.5): Vegetation Mapping
This detailed report outlines vegetation mapping evaluation and techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (3.4): Seed Bank Germination
This detailed report outlines seed bank germination evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (3.3): Vegetation Biomass
This detailed report outlines vegetation biomass evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (3.2): Vegetation Cover Surveys
This detailed report outlines vegetation cover survey evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (3.1): Algae and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
This detailed report outlines algae and submerged aquatic vegetation evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (2.1): Soil Salinity, Texture, and Pore Water
This detailed report outlines soil salinity, texture and pore water monitoring evaluation and measuring techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (1.1): Continuous Water Quality Monitoring – Data Sonde
This detailed report outlines water quality monitoring evaluation and measuring techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021
The Santa Monica Bay region needs a Comprehensive Monitoring Program (CMP) to inform the community and interested stakeholders on the status and trends of the condition of key habitats. The purpose of the CMP is to provide a framework to use monitoring data to inform managers, practitioners, and the public on conditions and trends that… Continue reading Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021
Standard Operating Procedures (8.1): Motion Wildlife Camera Surveys
Standard Operating Procedures for Motion Wildlife Camera Surveys. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.