Improving the Boat Sewage Disposal Network

Promotional flyer for Dockside podcast episode, displaying sewage pumpout unit along a dock. Additionally displays partner logos for California Coastal Commission, CA State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways, the US Fish and Wildlife Sport Fish Restoration Fund, and The Bay Foundation

Dockside Podcast: In this episode, we will be joined by Claire Combredet from The Bay Foundation, John Kappeler, Senior Engineer for the City of Newport Beach in Orange County, as well as George Hylkema, who inspects and maintains Newport’s boat sewage pumpout units. We’ll be talking about the Clean Vessel Act and more broadly the importance of sewage pumpout and dump stations in California. We will cover what pumpout and dump stations are, why they are essential to maintaining good water quality, and what The Bay Foundation’s role is in championing this infrastructure and assisting with their upkeep and use. We will also discuss with George and John the importance of using the pumpout stations, challenges as well as best practices for boaters and marina managers.