The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Friends of Ballona Wetlands (FBW), Loyola Marymount University, and community volunteers are conducting a project to remove invasive vegetation while broadening public involvement and stewardship at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (Reserve).
This report serves as the final product for the first phase, or the “Ballona Wetlands Restoration through Community Partnership” project, funded by the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project’s Community Wetland Restoration Grant Program (Grant #2015-001). This report summarizes restoration events conducted from 1 September through 30 November, 2016 and additional project activities through 22 December, 2016.
Post-restoration project monitoring and additional community restoration events will be continued in 2017 through supplemental matching funding from various sources. Additionally, though this grant focused on an approximately 1-acre area, the full restoration area and permitting for the entire project (subsequent phases) cover an area of approximately 3 acres, which will be continued in future years when additional funding becomes available.