This report summarizes activities and scientific monitoring results for the Malibu Living Shoreline Project from December 2020 through December 2021. The restoration was implemented from 14 December 2020 to 12 February 2021, including the installation of sand fencing and biomimicry stakes to build dune topography, installation of symbolic post and rope fencing to limit beach grooming and guide interpretive pathways, and planting and seeding of native vegetation species. Pre-restoration monitoring occurred prior to implementation, and project implementation was immediately followed by post-restoration site maintenance (i.e., supplemental watering, removal of non-native species, and biomimicry stake / sand fence repair), and scientific monitoring. Scientific monitoring consisted of surveys to evaluate vegetation, wrack, wildlife, physical characteristics, weather conditions, and sediment in response to restoration activities. Monitoring compares the post-implementation site conditions to ‘control’ conditions in adjacent areas that have had no restoration actions and to baseline site conditions to track the project progress towards meeting success criteria over time and to inform adaptative management actions (e.g., non-native plant cover that may need to be controlled). The project is already meeting several success criteria, with additional supplemental seeding and planting planned for Winter 2022 to help meet other criteria. Additionally, the project positively engaged the public and has widespread support, created new partnerships and outreach connections, restricted grooming and performed restoration activities in a 3.26-acre area, removed invasive vegetation, allowed native vegetation to grow and the beginning of sand hummocks to form along fence lines and in other areas of the site, provided comprehensive science-based monitoring data to inform nature-based resilience solutions, and is enhancing a rare coastal habitat type in the Malibu region.
Malibu Living Shoreline Project Year 1 Annual Report