Images of Zuma Lagoon pre-restoration alongside a post-restoration rendering.
Resource Type: Project Documents
Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project FAQs
Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project.
Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project FAQs
Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project.
Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project, Year 5 Annual Report
The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Friends of Ballona Wetlands (FBW), and community volunteers, are conducting a project to remove invasive vegetation while broadening public involvement and stewardship at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (Reserve). This report serves as the fifth annual report of the “Ballona Wetlands… Continue reading Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project, Year 5 Annual Report
Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project: Restoration and Monitoring Plan
The Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project aims to restore approximately three acres of sandy coastal habitats located adjacent to Bruce’s Beach in Manhattan Beach by utilizing existing sediments to transform a portion of the current beach into a sustainable coastal strand and foredune habitat complex with resilience to SLR. This report details the project’s restoration… Continue reading Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project: Restoration and Monitoring Plan
Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Beach and Bluff Habitat
An update on the Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project (LA-LSP), the purpose of which is to create an innovative multi-habitat living shoreline at Dockweiler State Beach. The project aims to restore approximately four acres of sandy beach and coastal bluff habitat and implement a pilot restoration to establish adjacent offshore eelgrass within a 1-acre footprint.
California Estuarine Wetland Monitoring Manual (Level 3)
This manual updates a previous framework to guide the development of coastal, perennial estuarine wetland monitoring programs throughout California by providing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and recommended protocols. As a living document that continues to be developed, this version has new and modified protocols, and it is anticipated that further changes to these will be… Continue reading California Estuarine Wetland Monitoring Manual (Level 3)
Standard Operating Procedures (7.1): California Rapid Assessment Method
Standard Operating Procedures for the California Rapid Assessment Method. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (6.1): Benthic Invertebrates
This detailed report outlines benthic invertebrates monitoring and evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Standard Operating Procedures (4.2): Fish Minnow Trap and Enclosure Trap
This detailed report outlines fish minnow trap and enclosure trap evaluation techniques. Prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.