Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project: Restoration and Monitoring Plan

The Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project aims to restore approximately three acres of sandy coastal habitats located adjacent to Bruce’s Beach in Manhattan Beach by utilizing existing sediments to transform a portion of the current beach into a sustainable coastal strand and foredune habitat complex with resilience to SLR. This report details the project’s restoration… Continue reading Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project: Restoration and Monitoring Plan

Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021

The Santa Monica Bay region needs a Comprehensive Monitoring Program (CMP) to inform the community and interested stakeholders on the status and trends of the condition of key habitats. The purpose of the CMP is to provide a framework to use monitoring data to inform managers, practitioners, and the public on conditions and trends that… Continue reading Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021

Exploring the LAX Dunes

The wildlife preserve sits just north of El Segundo yet remains unseen to many. El Segundo community member Darlene Gaston gives voice to what so many of us are thinking in her essay “Big Little Blue,” published last year in El Segundo Writes: A Collection of Writing from the Community. “Shouldn’t I have seen a blue… Continue reading Exploring the LAX Dunes

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Volunteers Help Protect El Segundo Blue Butterfly on LAX Dunes

Pulling weeds and removing debris is how many volunteers spend their Saturday mornings once a month. They do this to help preserve the LAX Dunes One volunteer is Melodie Grubbs who works for The Bay Foundation. The foundation partners with Los Angeles World Airports to host these habitat restoration events. “When we remove some of… Continue reading Volunteers Help Protect El Segundo Blue Butterfly on LAX Dunes

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This LAX-Adjacent Ghost Town is Now ‘Priceless Coastal Real Estate’ for Rare Owls

When the Los Angeles beachfront community of Surfridge disappeared decades ago to make way for the jet age, nature was slow to reclaim the sandy dunes and upscale lots that once dominated the path of planes taking off from Los Angeles International Airport. Today however, this 2-mile ghost town of vanished homes supports a growing list of… Continue reading This LAX-Adjacent Ghost Town is Now ‘Priceless Coastal Real Estate’ for Rare Owls

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