Climate Change Implications for Ballona Wetlands Restoration

The purpose of the Ballona Wetlands Climate Change study was to investigate the implications of potential changes in precipitation and sea level to the BWER. The study includes the application and integration of multiple models under various climate change scenarios to two proposed wetland restoration alternatives.

Ballona Creek Greenway Plan

The Ballona Creek Greenway Plan describes opportunities to reconnect residents with their creek, create a green corridor of trails and points of access, enhance habitat, mitigate stormwater runoff, redevelop land to improve watershed functions, re-establish riparian areas, and increase the health and sustainability of the region. The Reach Plans summarize design opportunities in general terms,… Continue reading Ballona Creek Greenway Plan

Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project Comprehensive Monitoring Report – March 2013

This Comprehensive Monitoring Report describes methods and provides data accumulated since the last series of reports, including pre-restoration monitoring surveys, during-construction surveys, and the first series of initial post-restoration baseline monitoring and surveys. The goal of this document is to report the during-construction and post-restoration conditions of the Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project using… Continue reading Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Project Comprehensive Monitoring Report – March 2013

Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Year 1 Report

This report summarizes activities for the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project from the time period December 2015 through August 2017. During this time period, the restoration was implemented in two phases over the course of two weeks including the installation of fencing and seeding of native coastal strand vegetation species. The first eight months… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Year 1 Report

Halibut Sexing Research Final Report – February 2014

The primary goals of this project were to test a non-lethal method of determining the sex of California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) and to obtain samples in a way that avoids causing additional mortality to a significantly depleted resource. Secondary goals are to also build capacity for collaborative research with California Department of Fish and Wildlife… Continue reading Halibut Sexing Research Final Report – February 2014

Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013

Objective long-term data on the type, extent and location of boating and boat-based fishing directly supports the success of marine spatial planning and resource management of coastal oceans. This project was initiated to generate an objective fishery-independent dataset to define the extent of boating activities in the state waters off the coast of mainland southern… Continue reading Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013