Eco-Tip: ‘Dockwalkers Teach Boaters Environmental Safety: Training is Next Week

On Friday, volunteers will receive training and materials qualifying them to be official “Dockwalkers,” with access to local boaters at Ventura and Channel Islands harbors. Besides talking with boaters about environmental safety, Dockwalkers distribute Boater Kits, which include tide calendars, oil absorbent sheets, oil absorbent pillows and fuel bibs that can be placed around fuel pump… Continue reading Eco-Tip: ‘Dockwalkers Teach Boaters Environmental Safety: Training is Next Week

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Free SoCal Workshops Train Volunteer Dockwalkers to Help Boaters Recreate Safely, Cleanly

Sun shining over Malibu shoreline. California, Italy

The statewide Dockwalker program continues its multi-year boater-education efforts with five free local Dockwalker workshops March through May. Dockwalkers increase boater awareness about clean and safe boating practices, thus improving the recreation experience in California while helping to preserve its wildlife habitat and water quality. The Dockwalker program is coordinated by The Bay Foundation (TBF),… Continue reading Free SoCal Workshops Train Volunteer Dockwalkers to Help Boaters Recreate Safely, Cleanly

Scientist Reveals Why Great White Sharks Are Targeting California’s Shallow Waters

On Memorial Day weekend in 2016, a triathlete set out on a mile-and-a-half swim that would take her from the entrance of Newport Harbor along a buoy line, an area often used by bathers. But before she could finish, she was attacked by a great white shark; the bite wounds, stretching from her shoulder to… Continue reading Scientist Reveals Why Great White Sharks Are Targeting California’s Shallow Waters

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Coastal Research Institute is Officially Underway

After many years of planning, the brand new Coastal Research Institute officially opened in November during a special inaugural event at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. “I’m very excited about it,” said Tom Ford, Executive Director of The Bay Foundation and co-director of the new research institute. “It’s principally a vehicle to engage the… Continue reading Coastal Research Institute is Officially Underway

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Seaver College Celebrates Coastal Research Institute Launch with Bay Foundation

Last Thursday, the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering partnered with the Bay Foundation to celebrate the launch of the Coastal Research Institute (CRI) at LMU. The keynote speaker at the event in the Life Sciences Building Auditorium was Alexis Strauss, the current regional administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Pacific Southwest… Continue reading Seaver College Celebrates Coastal Research Institute Launch with Bay Foundation

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Pumpouts in Southern California: Are Boaters Pumping or Dumping?

Pumping out sewage from boats might not be appealing but is obviously necessary if lavatory facilities are utilized onboard. The proper use of pumpout stations is vital to keep boats and harbors clean and fresh. Dumping of sewage by recreational boaters is suspected, Oceanside Harbor Maintenance Supervisor Steve Rodriguez mentioned. However, the consensus among certain… Continue reading Pumpouts in Southern California: Are Boaters Pumping or Dumping?

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LMU Honored for Environmental Service by The Bay Foundation

LMU [Loyola Marymount University] will be honored at The Bay Foundation’s third Annual Coastal Connections fundraiser on Sept. 28 for its environmental work. The decade long partnership between LMU and The Bay Foundation has resulted in research studies and student internships that have contributed to environmental sustainability. …“My summer internship at the Bay Foundation not… Continue reading LMU Honored for Environmental Service by The Bay Foundation

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Pumpout Report 2016: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Performance Report

Discharging sewage overboard creates environmental and human health problems, especially in a state with more than four million recreational boaters. To reduce the negative impacts of discharging sewage overboard, all boaters are encouraged to use sewage management facilities, including pumpout stations, dump stations, and mobile pumpout services. Since 2008, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and… Continue reading Pumpout Report 2016: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Performance Report