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Topic: Ocean
Request for Proposals: Methodology & Data Analysis Services
The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP), seeks to hire a Consultant to provide professional engineering analysis services on both a methodology and data sets produced from a collection effort that was developed to determine how much recreational vessel sewage is kept from California’s waterways through the use of state-funded… Continue reading Request for Proposals: Methodology & Data Analysis Services
The Changing Tide – Spring 2023
News and updates about free boater kits, marine composting toilets, and how to boat with caution this Spring season.
Kelp Forest Restoration Annual Report July 2021 – June 2022 (Year 9)
Annual Report of Kelp Restoration Activities, including Stated Components in Scientific Collection Permit (SCP). Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Kelp Forest Restoration Annual Report July 2020 – June 2021 (Year 8)
Annual Report of Kelp Restoration Activities, including Stated Components in Scientific Collecting Permit (SCP). Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Urchin Gonad Response to Kelp Forest Restoration on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California
Overpopulation of purple sea urchins (strongylocentrotus purpuratus) has caused “urchin barrens” impacting red sea urchin (mesocentrotus franciscanus) gonad production, a high-value sushi product important to fisheries. Destructive purple sea urchin grazing is also the leading cause of kelp deforestation in the world and has multi-trophic level impacts on species’ use of kelp forest habitat resources. Kelp restoration… Continue reading Urchin Gonad Response to Kelp Forest Restoration on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California
2023 Calendario de las mareas del sur de California (en español)
El Calendario de las mareas del sur de California contiene mareas, consejos para la gestión de las aguas negras, y muchos más. Esta publicación está financiada por el programa educativo de la ley de embarcaciones limpias de la división de navegación y vías navegable del departamento de parques de california y por una beca federal… Continue reading 2023 Calendario de las mareas del sur de California (en español)
2023 Tide Calendar for Southern California (in English)
Don’t miss the 2023 Southern California Tide Calendar! In addition to the tides, get sewage management tips, a list of boat-to-boat services, Marine Protected Area information, harbor resources, and more. If you would like to order a printed copy of the Tide Calendar in English please contact us. This publication is funded by the California… Continue reading 2023 Tide Calendar for Southern California (in English)
Pumpout and Dump Station Report 2022: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
Discharging sewage overboard creates environmental and human health problems, especially in California, a state with more than four million recreational boaters. To reduce the negative impacts of discharging sewage overboard, all boaters are encouraged to use sewage management facilities such as pumpout stations, dump stations, floating restrooms, and mobile pumpout services. This California Clean Vessel… Continue reading Pumpout and Dump Station Report 2022: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
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