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Topic: Ocean
The Changing Tide – Winter 2022
News and updates about winterizing your boat, sewage mobile pumpout services, and the 2022 Dockwalker recap.
Boater Sewage Disposal Survey Report
Between October 2020 and February 2021 the California Boating Clean and Green Program (BCGP), San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP), and TBF (project partners) implemented the statewide Boater Sewage Disposal Survey (survey). The survey aimed to collect information on California boaters’ sewage disposal norms and preferences. Project partners sought to find out how boaters currently dispose… Continue reading Boater Sewage Disposal Survey Report
Pumpout and Dump Station Report 2021: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
Discharging sewage overboard creates environmental and human health problems, especially in a state with more than four million recreational boaters. To reduce the negative impacts of discharging sewage overboard, all boaters are encouraged to use sewage management facilities, including pumpout stations, dump stations, floating restrooms, and mobile pumpout services. This Pumpout and Dump Station Report… Continue reading Pumpout and Dump Station Report 2021: California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
Kelp Restoration Guidebook: United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, The Nature Conservancy, Kelp Forest Alliance
This guidebook includes TBF’s work on the Palos Verdes Restoration Project on page 71.
The Changing Tide – Spring 2022
News and updates about the environmental impacts of boat sewage, LA yacht clubs reducing waste, must-do’s for mindfully spring cleaning your boat, and more!
The 2021 California Boater Kit Feedback Report
The California Boating Clean and Green Program (BCGP) is a statewide program whose main objectives are to educate boaters about clean and safe boating practices and to provide technical assistance to marinas and local governments to increase the availability of environmental services for boaters. The program is jointly implemented by the California State Parks and… Continue reading The 2021 California Boater Kit Feedback Report
Marine Protected Area Boater Education Project Report 2021
This report snapshots the 2021 Marine Protected Area Boater Education Project’s (Project) engagement strategies, successes, and lessons learned. Through the implementation of this project funded by the Ocean Protection Council and Coastal Quest, TBF’s Boater Education Program now includes Marine Protected Area (MPA) education into its programming. The goal is to increase the knowledge of… Continue reading Marine Protected Area Boater Education Project Report 2021
As kelp forests again reach for the ocean surface in Santa Monica Bay, life follows
Updated interview with Tom Ford and Heather Burdick of the Bay Foundation about the magic of kelp forests, their importance in mitigating climate change, the role of sea urchins, and restoration of abalone off the coast of Los Angeles.
2022 Calendario de las mareas del sur de California (in Spanish/en español)
**En este momento, los calendarios de las mareas solo están disponible en inglés. El Calendario de las mareas del sur de California contiene mareas, consejos para la gestión de las aguas negras, y muchos más. Esta publicación está financiada por el programa educativo de la ley de embarcaciones limpias de la división de… Continue reading 2022 Calendario de las mareas del sur de California (in Spanish/en español)